Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Adobe reader problem

Issue : Problem with Adobe
Sol :
Goto the link here

Use Secondary Index in program to fetch data

Issue : To make the program to pick the data from the database using the secondary index
Sol :
%_HINTS ORACLE 'INDEX("table" "table name~index name")'.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Standard Text ID and Text object(BOM header Text)

Issue : Sometimes there will be a problem in finding the Text ID, Text Object. In such cases below is the way how to go
Menu -> GOTO -> Header Views

Thursday, October 25, 2012

DART View not visible when transported to other system

Issue : Dart view when transported from Dev to Qa or PRD will not be visible to extract the data.

Dart view when transported will be inactive state, we need to go to FTWY and activate it.
Tools->Administration -> Data Retention Tool ->Configuration ->Define data extract Views

SMART FORM while printing, only 1 page is getting printed pages are getting overlapped

Issue : When the sale order was seen in the print preview then it was displaying in 2 pages, when the same was printed then two pages were printed in same page causing the issue as below
This issue got solved by changing the page format in the spool
SP01->->Spool Request (Menu) ->Print->Print with change parameters
When changed the FORMAT to another the spool was printed in 2 pages, by this I confirmed the issue is with page format.
Page Format declaration: SMARTFORMS-> (Form name)->Form attributes->Output Options
How to check the missing?
SPAD->Full Administration->Device types->SWINCF (LOCL in ECC) ->Format (Menu) ->Double Click to check

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ALV Errors

ALV errors can be majorly corrected by the changing the field catalog.
Errors observed
·           When alv output is transferred to EXCEL it was going to dump
Sol: Do consistency check by clicking the (Shift+2 right clicks), it will display fields which are not assigned properly define them or remove unwanted fields.
·           When summing a column in ALV the output is going to dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X
Sol: This might be due to wrong assignment of fieldcatlog; check the field name and field catalog are same and do changes accordingly

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dynamic change of selection screens using push button in single program

Dynamic selection screen can be created using push buttons declared in single program
1. Declare parameters with modif id and declare push buttons.
2.In initialization get the user command stored in the memory location using import function and update the selection screen accordingly(disabling some parameters)
3. Selection screen gets displayed, whenever other button is clicked then event AT SELECTION-SCREEN gets triggered, if the sy-ucomm is ‘FC01 or FC02’ export it to the memory location else do screen validations.
4. In the event AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT change the screen by using LOOP AT SCREEN and MODIF ID

For test program find the attachment attachment

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dynamic selection screen using PF status between two programs

Dynamic selection screen using PF status between two programs
1. Changing initial screen options can be done as follows
2. PF status (MENU from SE41 Menu painter) need to be created.
3. In the event AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT following need to used

*Use a custom PF-STATUS instead of the standard one
p_status = 'EDIT_TEXT'
p_exclude = exclitab.

DATA: exclitab TYPE TABLE OF sy-ucomm.

4. While creating the push button following need to be taken care, ie Function type need to be ‘E’—Exit command

5. Later in the event AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON EXIT-COMMAND, depending on the command declared in the menu painter get the selection screen inputs if required and submit it to the program.

IF sy-ucomm = <command declared in menu painter> 
PERFORM submit_program.

FORM submit_program .
DATA: sel_table TYPE TABLE OF rsparams.
CLEAR sel_table.
CLEAR p_detlay.
curr_report = sy-repid
selection_table = sel_table.

SUBMIT < to_which_program this need to be submitted
ENDFORM. " submit_program


In general we use DYNP_VALUES_READ to read data in the screen. It will be very simple to get data from the screen when the required field is declared from parameter.
1. Declaration: Declare data for input and for output DATA: dynfields TYPE TABLE OF dynpread WITH HEADER LINE,
return_tab TYPE TABLE OF ddshretval WITH HEADER LINE.
2.Pass the required value to dynfields dynfields-fieldname = 'P_BUKRS'.
APPEND dynfields.

3.Get the data from selection screen CALL FUNCTION 'DYNP_VALUES_READ'
dyname = sy-cprog
dynumb = sy-dynnr
translate_to_upper = 'X'
dynpfields = dynfields

4.Get the data from to the fields from selection to the fields READ TABLE dynfields WITH KEY fieldname = 'P_BUKRS'.
lv_bukrs = dynfields-fieldvalue.

5.Get the data from the required table to display SELECT bukrs branch name
FROM j_1bbranch
WHERE bukrs = lv_bukrs.

retfield = 'BRANCH'
dynprofield = 'S_BRANCH-LOW'
value_org = 'S'
value_tab = it_j_1bbranch
return_tab = return_tab.

7.Pass the data to output field READ TABLE return_tab WITH KEY fieldname = 'BRANCH'.
IF lv_shelp_low = 'X'.
s_branch-low = return_tab-fieldval.

But when to get the data from SELECT-OPTIONS will be challenge, in order to overcome this we need to follow the below procedure in the attached document. Attachement for select options

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Authorization Check

Authorization Check can be checked in SU20 – List Of Authorization Fields And SU21- List Of Object Class
ID 'ACTVT' FIELD '03' "Display
ID 'WERKS' FIELD t001w-werks.

“User has no authority

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Copy Varient from One report to another

To be able to test our changes on real data, we sometimes create a copy of a program, modify it and test it. The function RS_COPY_SELECTION_SETS will copy the variant content. You run it directly in the production system (carefully!) in SE37.

NOTE: “Create” and “Change” user for all variants will be user who does the copy! If you rely on those fields to search for variants, the user information will be lost.


Steps need to be followed during NOTE
1.     Go to transaction SNOTE and check(CTRL+F) whether the note is applied or not
2.      If not applied need to go to and check the note,
·        Note can be applied if the version of the particular service mentioned is higher than our server version
·        Whether it is information note?  If it is information note then no need to apply
·        Any manual corrections are there? For manual correction need to have access key
·        Prerequisites are there? Same process follows
3.     Download the note and apply it, for manual corrections need to go there and do the changes.

CTRL+F8 to download the note
CTRL+F9 to find all the details of note when it applied who has applied it

Friday, May 18, 2012

CR's On An Object

The following Program Can be used to find the CR's on an object

Standard Text to Request

After done with the standard text from SO10, Execute the program RSTXTRAN from SE38.

After selecting the execute it. Then in the next select/ deselect the request that need to be inserted in the request and press Enter.
These standard texts are transferred to the customizing request which can be used for transportation

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Transaction code For SAP Query

Transaction Code for Table Maintenance
1. After creating table maintenance
2. GOTO SE93 -> <tcode>
3.popup appear. Select radio button -5(Transaction with Parameters)

Transaction code For SAP TABLE MAINTENANCE Generator

Transaction Code for Table Maintenance
1. After creating table maintenance
2. GOTO SE93 -> <tcode>
3.popup appear. Select radio button -5(Transaction with Parameters)