Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Authorization Check

Authorization Check can be checked in SU20 – List Of Authorization Fields And SU21- List Of Object Class
ID 'ACTVT' FIELD '03' "Display
ID 'WERKS' FIELD t001w-werks.

“User has no authority

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Copy Varient from One report to another

To be able to test our changes on real data, we sometimes create a copy of a program, modify it and test it. The function RS_COPY_SELECTION_SETS will copy the variant content. You run it directly in the production system (carefully!) in SE37.

NOTE: “Create” and “Change” user for all variants will be user who does the copy! If you rely on those fields to search for variants, the user information will be lost.


Steps need to be followed during NOTE
1.     Go to transaction SNOTE and check(CTRL+F) whether the note is applied or not
2.      If not applied need to go to and check the note,
·        Note can be applied if the version of the particular service mentioned is higher than our server version
·        Whether it is information note?  If it is information note then no need to apply
·        Any manual corrections are there? For manual correction need to have access key
·        Prerequisites are there? Same process follows
3.     Download the note and apply it, for manual corrections need to go there and do the changes.

CTRL+F8 to download the note
CTRL+F9 to find all the details of note when it applied who has applied it